{ Plant, Plastic and the earthworm }

Moving Image




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*  To explore the tension between industrial products (plastic) and natural life. I brought myself into the plants to figure out the inner nature of plants. Plastic as an industrial product has the qualities of being hard to degrade, high toughness, and hermetically, etc.

*  The plastic spins uncontrollably under the action of nature, and it is lightly wrapped by water and wind. The plant achieves a gesture of wrapping to demonstrate its power.

* A plastic earthworm uses thermoplastic pellets to form the outer shell of the worm, which presents the feeling of an earthworm being dried in the sun. also, the Plants have been added inside of the earthworm.

The earthworm wanders in the forest as a ghost.

Nature is a melancholy womb.

A film by PENG  Yuanqinghe