{ Like a flowing river }

Fiction Film



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A story about young people whose lose their shelter due to government policy decisions

They are then forced to become exiles











Actors     Luo Yu 罗雨       Wang Xuankai 王宣凯

Director and Screenwriter     Peng Yuanqinghe彭袁清荷

Cinematographer      Cai Yiying 蔡依滢

First AD        Xie Yan 谢妍 

Producer       Yang Yunyu杨韫玉

Site producer    Feng Songshiyu 冯诵诗语

Production Design       Kong Lingtong 孔令潼

Sound Engineer        Lin Rouxi 林若曦



Go on, set off towards happiness, the end is just ahead if you don't doubt it. If you do not doubt, the night is a quiet home where secrets are hidden, the plain earth is full of sunshine and hope, the world is full of sad things that no one will tell

We've never had a specific adversary; instead, our adversaries have always been the massive, pervasive mechanical beings that have existed for hundreds of years, those consciousnesses as large as domes.

Wars, history, and never-ending fights. For all of humanity's existence, it has never been able to unconditionally love one another. More and more corpses appear in the search for love, eventually turning to ashes.

However, no one is ashes, and dust will always drift over our true hearts. To be ashamed of this, to seek this out.